About ESIC Business & Marketing School
In 1965, ESIC began providing education in marketing. Half a century later, the School is still inspired by the principles that motivated its origins, although has adapted to the challenges presented by a globalized, digitalized and rapidly changing economy. ESIC has a faculty with professional experience and a recognized research results in the areas of marketing, digital economy and corporate social responsibility. ESIC has more than 123 strategic agreements with universities and business schools around the world, 12 campuses in Spain, agreements with 2,500 companies and an alumni network of more than 62,000 professionals. A large part of its former students are currently leading marketing departments all over the world. ESIC professors have published in internationally renowned academic journals and have participated in national and international competitive projects. The lines of research include marketing, digital economy and corporate social responsibility, among other fields. ESIC has its own publishing house and three academic journals. ESIC also holds AMBA and EFMD (EPAS) accreditation. As an academic institution, our mission is to train people with a global and integral vision during their entire professional career in management, marketing, innovation and digital skills. We guarantee our students a transformation so that they can succeed in their professional lives in a responsible manner and become actors of change in organizations and society.
The 50th edition of the European Marketing Academy EMAC Conference has ended successfully!